
Watching Presentations

     Today was very fun because the class had to memorize a poem and recite it while bringing it to life. I did not present today but I have become more nervous because a few of my classmates did a stunning job. I to a bit of what they did as an inspiration to make my presentation better and that is one good advantage I had. I enjoyed everything and I also payed close attention to the mistakes that all presenters had. I kept all that in mind so when I showcase my project I will try my best not to replies the same mistakes. Another thing I am scared about is stage fright. I am scared of speaking in front of many people die to the fear of being judged or laughed at. Especially with this class because there are some students who think it’s okay to laugh or video someone and post on social media while making fun of them. This happened to me when I was using my camera to see if I Walpole okay before taking my yearbook picture. A person next to me videotaped me and laughed. She posted on soc

Using a cluster to write paragraphs

     Today, Mr. Rease left the class an assignment that requires us to get I to our groups from last week and create two paragraphs using the cluster that each group developed. In my group, we did one paragraph instead of two because I helped one of my group members finish the questions from yesterday. Hopefully we will have a few minutes to finish the paragraphs tomorrow.

Answer questions on the Canterbury Tales

   Mr. Rease was not here today and the class had a substitute teacher. The assignment that Mr. Rease left for us was to answer 1-9 Critical Reading questions on page 119 in the green literature book. The questions were easy and I really enjoyed giving my opinion in some of them. I like the fact that the moral of each short story is similar. The way Chaucer judges the other characters and his justifications of why. He does not like Frier because he sleeps around and steals from the poor. He likes the Parson because he does nothing wrong even though he does not comply with his duties. The moral that I received from the short stories and the from answering the questions is don’t judge someone based on their position but on their merits.

Pop quiz

   Today, Mr. Rease gave the class and unexpected quiz. We had fifteen minutes to read a short passage and answer eleven questions. The test was difficult due to the vocabulary, I did comprehend most of the passage. After the class finished the quiz, Mr. Rease put everyone in groups of three based on the scores each student made. He put two students in each group that did not do so well and put one person in each group the did extremely well. He gave the class a second chance to get a better score and in the end everybody got an A. During this process, I learned not to second quests myself and read the questions carefully. I am disappointed of the first score I made and next time I will put forth more effort because it’s not about how smart you are, it’s about how much effort and confidence you have.


    Today, instead of reading a new story, Mr. Rease put the class into groups of three. Each group was assigned two questions and we had ten minutes to answer them. After each group finished we all shared our answers. Mr. Rease taught us new skills and that each answer should be backed up with textual evidence. The overall discussion was engaging and I learned something. Mr. Rease even gave each student 100pts to use for any grade, minor or major. This is an awesome idea and now the class seems more attentive,  Mr. Rease said that if we do not engage or pay attention, he will deduct out of our 100pts. I do not think anyone wants that, especially me after the bad grade I received on one of my multiple choice quizzes.


     Today in class, Mr. Rease went over all the questions made by each group from yesterday. Each group had to come up with a question from one of the short story that we read two days ago. Each group answered the questions and we did the process of elimination. We had to choose the best answer. This was fun because I learned something new, wording makes a difference in meaning. The way you word a question will have an affect on the answer or it can confuse someone. Word choice is significant when organizing a question. Another thing that excites me was the fact that my group had the best answer on one of the questions we answered. The question was “What did the golden coins represent in the short story?” Our group said success while everyone else said greed and temptation. The reason why we said success is because society relates success to money. If you have a nice car, a nice house, and nice clothes people will say your successful. In addition, gold coins can not be greedy or tempt

Multiple choice quiz and review

    In class today, Mr. Rease gave a quiz on the short story about three rioters. The quiz was easy as long as you know the story, can comprehend the story, and of you know how to do the process of elimination. My problem when taking a multiple choice test or quiz is not those three things, it’s not trusting my decision on the answer. I always second guess myself and I hate that. Last Friday, we took and a quiz on the “Wife’s bath”. I would have gotten an A if I didn’t go back and change my first answer. Since I second guessed myself, I got a 58 as my score. I did improve I teed, the quiz I took today I made a 76. Not what I want but that is a step further to an A. I could have had a B if I would have paid attention to where I bubbled my answer on the scan Tran. I picked D as my answer on one of my questions but I somehow bubbled in B. Don’t know how I did that but next time I am paying attention. I think when I take another quiz I will most definitely do well. These quiz are really he