Multiple choice quiz and review

    In class today, Mr. Rease gave a quiz on the short story about three rioters. The quiz was easy as long as you know the story, can comprehend the story, and of you know how to do the process of elimination. My problem when taking a multiple choice test or quiz is not those three things, it’s not trusting my decision on the answer. I always second guess myself and I hate that. Last Friday, we took and a quiz on the “Wife’s bath”. I would have gotten an A if I didn’t go back and change my first answer. Since I second guessed myself, I got a 58 as my score. I did improve I teed, the quiz I took today I made a 76. Not what I want but that is a step further to an A. I could have had a B if I would have paid attention to where I bubbled my answer on the scan Tran. I picked D as my answer on one of my questions but I somehow bubbled in B. Don’t know how I did that but next time I am paying attention. I think when I take another quiz I will most definitely do well. These quiz are really helping me and it’s fun to do.


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