
Showing posts from September, 2019

Short Story

    The short story has to do with gender roles, mental illness, and miscommunication. This story is fictional that has a little truth to it(usually based on personal experiences). The narrated has a mental disorder called Postpartum depression( can not connect to their baby, feel like they will not be good mothers). She watched walls all day and thought something was watching her. She easily went out of her mind. The narrator was crazy!


Was not in Mr. Rease class today!

Reading more of Macbeth

       In Mr. Rease’s class we read more of Macbeth! I really enjoyed it. I ready the Lady Macbeth parts. I realized that she created a monster and that she is not as evil as Macbeth. Now Macbeth is trying to kill Banguo’s son and Lady Macbeth does not want him to.

Acting out our script!

      Today we acted out our script! It was fun to see what the other groups created and it was nice to know that my group new the lines by heart. When I acted as my character I couldn’t stop laughing through the process. The play was funny and fun. I ant wait to do this again with a different play.

Creating a script with a group!

      Today in Mr. Rease’s class, we were put into groups to create a script that we will act out tomorrow. Our teacher gave us a a what if question. The question my group was given is “What if the  kings Guards knew of the Macbeth’s plan?”. Creating this script was fun. The characters will be based off of celebrities, which I think is neat. It is nice to show creativity.

Macbeth Quotes

      In Mr. Rease’s class, we read Act two. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plotted to kill King Duncan. They succeeded in the killing but Macbeth has a Quilty Conscience. As Macbeth and his wife play out that someone else did the murder and here are the holes I found in their conversations.

AP Language Test Requirements

       At the beginning of class, Mr. Rease passed out a rubric for an essay on the AP exam. It explained that the best score is six and the lowest is zero. You have to have a thesis statement in your introduction but your body paragraphs are the most important. I learned you can get away with just writing a thesis if your a good enough writer. Which I am not so I will stick to and introduction with three body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. After we reviewed the requirements, we read Macbeth for the last ten or fifteen minutes of class.

Review of Scene 1-3 of Macbeth

       Today in Mr. Rease’s class, he gave out a worksheet that has critical thinking questions about the first three scenes. The questions were hard and took some thinking but it was fun. I love challenges and this was definitely one. The questions I could not understand completely, I just answered it the best of my ability and hoped it was at least close to the correct answer.

September 11th conversation

          In Mr. Rease’s class, we answered questions and gave our opinion on it. The questions were: What does America symbolize?, What does it mean to be an American?, What does it mean to be a patriot?, What does the word hero mean?, and What happened on September 11th, 2001?. Mr. Rease called on people to share their opinions. Everyone had great answers and I enjoyed listening to other perspectives. After this, Mr. Rease asked everyone “Who is your Hero?”. I sad Billy Graham because he brought black and white people together during a time of discrimination through God’s word. He made each black and white person hold hands. I thought that this was incredible and beautiful. Everyone deserves love and everyone is an image of God. And a few answers I remember from my other classmates was Michael Jackson, Susan B. Anthony, Whitney Houston, and Barack Obama.


        In Mr. Rease’s class, we took notes that introduced us to the Play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare. We answered interesting questions, such as How do you know if something is right or wrong? My answer was by my Christian beliefs. If I am about to sin I feel convicted before I do it and definitely after I commit it. Is basically common sense in my opinion. I enjoyed answering the questions and hearing other opinions.

University of South Alabama

       A few days ago I signed up for a recruitment meeting for South Alabama. I signed up because this college is my first choice. I really enjoyed the meeting. I learned that they will except a 19 on the ACT with a 3.5 G.P. A. I asked a question and learned that business graduates will get internships. I am so excited about the future. I can’t wait to pursue my major in Accounting.

Another sonnet poem!

        In Mr. Rease’s I took a make up test that was, in my opinion, very difficult. After I finished the test, I joined a group to analyze another William Shakespeare sonnet poem. We paraphrased each line carefully before coming up with themes. After we finished analyzing, we had to come up with a question based off what we read. Then we had to answer the prompt with a claim, two pieces of evidence, and last but not least a commentary.

Sonnet poem!

        In class today, Mr. Rease presented an assignment that requires us to write our own sonnet poem. My sonnet is.....  So sweet you have saddened my heart - my love!  Forgive me for loving you so strongly  You were the light of my lonely heart so,  sleeping without the sound of your lovely snoring,  Crying without the touch of your tough hands.  You were like a sunset painting the sky!  Forgive me for hating you so strongly  The light perished when God took you away  you left that day without saying goodbye!  What pained you I wonder with my broke heart?  All pieces of my heart departs for you.  We were walking past the stars to nothing,  Burning memories of you washing away,  it feels as though I have died too!  

William Shakespeare

         What I learned in class today was quite interesting! We watched a video of old English and Middle English. The English of that time sounds so foreign and unique. I kinda of wish we kept English that way, it sounded so pretty. Before we read and analyzed the William Shakespeare poem, we learned some basic translations of Middle English. We learned what stressed / and unstressed U means and how to use it. We also learned what abab cdcd efef gg meant and that all of William Shakespeare’s poems have only fourteen lines.