
Showing posts from February, 2019

Chapter 12 reflection

A Leason Before Dying Reflection      After Grant visited Jefferson, he was trying to figure out lies to tell to Miss Emma. If she knew how Jefferson acted it would have hurt her. Grant did not want to do that. Instead he goes an sees Vivian to get his mind off of it. I think Jefferson should tell Miss Emma the truth because it is the right thing to do.

Chapter 11 reflection

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection       Grant goes and visits Jefferson at the prison. Jefferson acted in a strange way. He kept calling himself a hog and ate is food like hog. He said corn is for hogs, I want corn.  He was being sarcastic and showed anger. I think he acted this way because his family did not stand up for him when the white attorneys called him a hog during his trial. 

Chapter 9 reflection

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection      As usual, Grant goes and picks up Miss Emma to go and visit Jefferson. But when Grant pulled up to her house she was not outside. She was to sick to go and she gave him the food to give to Jefferson. Grant did not want to go, he wanted to go teach his class. Plus, he didn’t want the white people to humiliate him again at the prison. I think Miss Emma was faking sick because she can’t bare the thought of Jefferson ignoring her and not saying how he feels. 

Chapter 9 reflection

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection       Miss Emma and Grant visit Jefferson in prison. She brought her famous chicken, Yams, and tea cakes for Jefferson. Jefferson ignores Grant and Miss Emma, he just stares at the wall and ceiling. She tries to speak to him in a loving and caring way but Jefferson still ignores her. She left out of the cell because it pained her to she Jeffferosn acting like this. I think Jefferson should have treated her better. She didn’t have to visit him and bring him a homecooked meal. I know he is on death row but still show respect for people who love you.

Chapter 7 reflection

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection        Mr. Wiggans visits Grant to inspect his students. He picked students who looked half bright. He made them open their mouth and hold out their hands to see if they are clean. He ask them to say bible verses and geography classes. He treated them like animals, he told them to eat loys of beans and excercise. Meaning they need to be healthy to work in the fields. The way Me. Wiggans treated the students and Grant shows how racist and inhumane he is. He should have treated them as human beings. Skin color is a tone not a reflection of who that person is, character is what should be judged, not skin tone.

Chapter 6 reflection

Inez is trying to make a bet that Jefferson can die as a man and Miss Emma agrees. On the other hand, Henry Pinchot thinks it’s a waste of time and that you can’t make someone a man. Henry did not bet; instead, he ignored them. Inez began to cry, she wanted Jefferson to die with integrity. I think Henry should have more hope. Their is a chance Jefferson can reach his manhood.

My weekend

My weekend        I had a good weekend. I finally got more sleep and I got caught up with my AP Blogpost homework. On Saturday I slept to 1:00 p.m and went outside to pick up sticks. On Sunday I cut the grass, took a shower, and did some homework. After all this, I ate a lot of junk food and healthy food. Not good to do before sleeping. 

Chapter 5 Reflection

Chapter 5 Reflection on A Lesson Before Dying      Grant school is the church. The white peoples church and school is separate. Grant is very strict on his students because he wants the best out of them. He gets real anger and starts blurting out about Jefferson. I think Grant is a great teacher but needs to be a little less strict on the students. 

Chapter 4 reflection

Chapter 4 reflection on A Lesson Before Dying      Grant talks about segregation. Blacks and whites had their separate Churches, Movie Theaters, schools, and communities. And he meets up with a women by the name of Vivian Baptiste. He described her as beautiful. She is married with kids and Grant is in love with her. Grant wants her to get divorced and leave with him. I think she should divorce her husbamd to be with Grant.

Chapter 3 reflection

Chapter three reflection on A Lesson Before Dying      Emma Glenn wanted Grant to talk to Henri Pinchot. She forced him to go with her and his mom. They asked him if Grant could go into Jefferson’s cell to teach him how to be a man. Henry who thinks it’s pointless said sure. I think it is worth making someone reach their manhood and letting them home die with integrity. 
A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 2 reflection       Emma Glen asked Grant, who is a teacher, to make Jefferson a man before he dies. She hated the fact that Jefferson was called a hog. Grant did not want to do it - Grant did not see a point in doing it because what’s the point to bring him into manhood if he’s going to die anyways. My thought on this Grant should do it, make Jefferson a man because no one should be called a hog or be killed as a hog. He is a human being a should be treated as a man. He should die as a man like Emma Glenn said. 

Reflection on A lesson before dying

Chapter 1. A lesson before dying         Grant hitched a ride with two other men to the bank. Someone started shooting and killed three men. Two were black and one was a white man. Grant was the only one standing and had no idea what to do. He didn’t know how to use a phone so he just thought it was alright to steal alcohol and money from the cash register. He go drunk and decided to leave with his pockets full of cash. The police caught and arrested him as a suspect. If Grant would have just left he would not have to worry about being convicted of murder. Stealing and getting drunk at a murder scene made Grant look guilty.